Nichole Shields

Second Grade


About Me:


Bachelors Degree in Middle Grades Education, Kennesaw State University

Why have you become a teacher?

It truly is a gift from God! I knew in Kindergarten that I was going to be a teacher. I would sit my dolls against the wall with worksheets in front of them and take a red crayon and grade their “papers!” Seriously though, it brings great joy to my heart to watch God's children learn and grow. It is a blessing and privilege to teach, and I walk away each day learning something new from our experiences in the classroom. How can you say no to God when it is your calling? I am called to teach and would not have it any other way! Thank you for that privilege.

If you could spend an afternoon however you desired, what would you do?

I would be learning something new, most likely some type of fine art or craft project. I love to create things! Some of the things I have learned are charcoal drawing, alcohol ink mixing, crochet, and stamping. I am always up for creating the day away!