Make a Difference for Your Child
Helping our families stay healthy, engaged, and strong
We know that the more parents are engaged with their children and our school, the more effective we are in pursuing our mission and the stronger our community gets. We offer a variety of ways for parents to engage in the school.
All Pro Dad
All Pro Dad is an organization created to strengthen families by equipping fathers to lead well. The organization offers resources for dads, and the All Pro Dad team at Eastside Christian School organizes monthly Friday morning gatherings for dads and their kids. The morning includes breakfast, a short devotion and discussion, and a raffle.
Parent University
Parent University is a quarterly meeting focused on equipping parents to best support and meet their child(ren)’s needs. Topics covered have included early literacy, high school preparation, technology and internet safety. Communications and sign ups for upcoming Parent University meetings will be included in the school newsletter.
Weekly Prayer Group
The Weekly Prayer Group provides an invaluable spiritual support for Eastside Christian School. Each week, the prayer group gathers to pray over our school. Intercession by these parents for our teachers, students, staff, and families is an anchor for our school. You can rest assured that your child has been prayed for by name by this team.
Whether you’re able to join periodically or consistently, your prayers and support make a big impact.