Careers at Eastside Christian School
Join our mission of making an impact on future generations
Eastside Christian School is a place where you can have an eternal impact on future generations, grow your career, and enjoy a close-knit community of colleagues and families. Eastside teachers are charged with investing in the spiritual, academic, physical, and emotional needs of each of our students. Our staff is a team devoted to helping one another grow to be the best educators we can possibly be, recognizing that as we serve each student and family, everything we do is for the glory of God.
In accordance with our equal employment policy, Eastside Christian School seeks to promote and maintain equal employment opportunities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations with regard to employment, promotions, compensation, training and other areas of employment without regard to race, color, gender, national origin, protected age, and protected disability.
All applicants must complete an employment application; Eastside Christian School may also require a resume, certification, and letters of reference depending on the position being sought. An employment application must be completed before an applicant is considered a candidate.
Following the review of all completed applications, the administration will interview the most qualified candidates. Those candidates who do not meet the employment requirements for whatever reason will remain classified as applicants for one year.
Eastside Christian School will make conditional offers of employment to the candidates(s) selected during the interview process. The job offer is contingent on the employee’s signing of the Eastside Christian School employment agreement, consenting and passing all necessary background and reference checks as well as any other condition that should be met before the candidate may consider themselves an employee.
Following an acceptance of an offer of employment, all new employees will be contacted by the business office to set up a time to complete paperwork. The new employee will be given a date and time to attend orientation. During orientation, the new employee will be given workplace rules, policies and other information regarding his/her position.