Karen Salkill

Sixth - Eighth Grade Science


About Me:


Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Education, Jacksonville State University

Why have you chosen to become a part of Eastside Christian School?

In 1984, I received a phone call from a minister of Eastside Baptist Church. He informed me that the church was expanding a school that had started the prior year with only one grade and wanted to know if I was interested in joining the journey. I was so excited to have a hand in the birth of a new school and I am equally excited to this day. I love Eastside and the family I have here. I have worked in other schools and I have found none that can come close to comparing to what we have here.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and why?

This one is hard to narrow down. My first response would be Isreal because I'd love to walk where my Lord walked. However, I know that one day I'll live in the new Jerusalem, so my next answer would probably be to travel to Egypt and Rome to see the ancient ruins. I know that is more than one place, but it is a big world!