Courtney Davis
School Counselor
About Me:
Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education, Oklahoma Christian University
Masters Degree in School Counseling K-12th, Liberty University
Why have you chosen to become a part of Eastside Christian School?
I love what Eastside Christian stands for. I believe education is important, but ultimately the most important knowledge comes from knowing God and knowing His word. I love that students leave Eastside with not only a quality education but a Biblical worldview. I love working in a place that prays for its students by name, a staff that feels more like family than coworkers, and working somewhere that is more of a mission rather than a job.
What is the top item on your "bucket list" and why?
I would love to take a year off from the real world and spend it traveling. I love exploring new places and seeing how other parts of the world live.
Who was your most memorable teacher and why?
My favorite teacher was my high school theater teacher, Mr. Jones. I looked forward to his class every day, and I learned so much from him. The subject matter was fun to me, but I also loved the example he set. He never once lost his composure or raised his voice, yet we all knew he expected a lot from us and we never wanted to disappoint him.